Over the last few years, I've come across couples that do not want the garter toss or the bouquet toss as apart of their reception timeline. No problem in my eyesight because sometimes the shenanigans that go on with those relays could be left for a less traditional atmosphere :) So if you have no single ladies or men in the crowd, what could you do to fill in that space. Check out my suggestions below:
Married Couples DanceI simply LOVE when this is added to the reception entertainment! This is the moment when all the married couples come on the dance floor and the count down begins to see who's been married the longest. Of course the newlyweds are the 1st to leave the dance floor since they have been married the least amount of time. But it's so wonderful to see the longevity and inspiration of marriage when the DJ asks who's been married 40 years or less and there's still several couples on the dance floor. The winning couple takes a picture with the guests of honor and sometimes are presented with a token of love from the new Mr. and Mrs.
Newlywed GameThis is when the newly married couple is put on the spot...literally right in the middle of the dance floor and asked a series of questions to see if they both agree with the answers. Standing back to back, the couple raises their hands to denote the answers to the questions and hopefully they both answer correctly. The guests really cheer when they don't :)
Honoring the Matriarch and PatriarchThis is such a beautiful gesture from the newlyweds. They ask the Matriarch of their families to the dance floor and present them with a small bouquet of flowers and the Patriarch is presented with a gift card. The honor and appreciate goes a long way and I can almost guarantee tears for joy not only from the couple, but from family members as well.
Until next time...WEDologize!
(photo credit - www.murakamiphotography.co.uk)