Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Finally Married...What Is Next?

So the special day that you have been planning for months has come to an end.  What is there to do now that you have had the wedding of your dreams and returned from your honeymoon?  Check out the to-do-list below for some helpful tips:

  • Make sure all vendors have been paid.
  • Open gifts and cards and keep records including the item (or cash amount), the guest's name and mailing address.
  • Hand write personal thank you notes.
  • Have your wedding gown cleaned and preserved.
  • Have your wedding bouquet preserved.
  • Check in with the photographer and videographer regarding review dates.
  • Prepare and freeze top layer of your wedding cake to eat on your one year anniversary.  Curious how to package it properly, check out our blog on how to save the top tier.
  • Begin working on changing your last name.  Need to know where to begin, check out this blog post on going from Miss to Mrs.

Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit - Image Makers Photography)
***repost from 10/17/12

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