In making these bags signature to your wedding weekend, include some items about the city in which the ceremony and reception are taking place. It's really nice to include products or produce locally grown as well as include a map of the city including activities that might be going on around town. Check with your tourist board for discounted pricing on maps of the city and transit services.
Then you need some snacks. I always include some type of beverages like water, juice or sodas; snacks like chips, granola bars, or popcorn; and candies. Many of these items can be purchased in bulk from a Sam's Club or Costco and can be dressed up with a customized label.
Last, spice up the bag/basket with a label showing off your monogram and tissue papers in your wedding colors. Makes sure to include information about your wedding weekend activites and you must never forget to include a handwritten note saying...Welcome & Thank You:)
(photo credits - www.thingswemake.blogspot.com ; www.welcomebags.com; www.kateparkerweddings.com )
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