Thursday, December 15, 2016

Day #15 - Making it Official

The marriage license is the most important piece of paper that you will ever obtain and sign during the wedding planning process.  Below are the guidelines for obtaining a marriage license in the Greater Chicago area:
  • You must be 18 years or older to marry without parental consent
  • No blood test or health tests required
  • Both parties must be present with the proper forms of identification (drivers license, certified birth certificate showing birth date or passport) 
  • If you have been married before, your divorce degree will be required
  • You can get the license same day and it's valid for $60 days
  • YOU MUST GET THE LICENSE IN THE COUNTY YOU MARRY.  The fee will vary from $15-60.
  • Click to link for locations nearest you to obtain your marriage license -

Until next time...WEDologize!

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