Monday, April 7, 2014

Overlooked Wedding Invitation Tips

Once you have selected your wedding invitation suite, it's time to get them packaged and in the mail to your invited guests.  Below are a few tips to consider when working on the preparation, assembly and mailing process. Take a look:

  • Use the names of all guests whenever possible. Using "and guest" just isn't as warm and friendly.
  • Get names, titles, and addresses correct when addressing. It's impressive and flattering! When in doubt, ask.
  • Invitation envelopes should always be handwritten. Printed labels are not acceptable. Consider hiring a calligrapher or enlisting the help of others if you feel overwhelmed.  If a calligraphist isn't possible, ask your stationery designer about digital calligraphy.
  • Take an assembled invitation to the post office and have it weighed to ensure proper postage. If invitations vary (e.g., one for local guests, another for out-of-town guests) have each variation weighed.
  • Before sealing the outer envelope, make absolutely sure that the names on the inner and outer envelopes match.
  • Mail all invitations at the same time. Don't wait to see how many will be attending from the first mailing before sending another. Simply estimate that 10 to 20 percent of invited guests will send regrets; doing this is so much better than using a standby guest list.
Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit and tips from -


  1. I never thought about how important it is to invite people to wedding the proper way. If you want people to come, you should definitely include their name somewhere personally in the invitation. You don't want it to seem like they are just a number.
    Jayden Eden |
