Monday, October 15, 2012

Name That Reception Table

There is no hard fast rule on how you should seat yourselves and the wedding party during the reception.  Below are some suggestions of the most popular styles for seating the guests of honor during dinner.  But note, once the party gets started...the seats are left pretty much empty.

Traditional Head Table - Two-three 8-foot tables (or more depending on the size of the wedding party) are positioned together to create a long, straight line.  The wedding party will sit on one side of the table with the bride and groom in the middle overlooking the invited guests.

Alternative Head Table -At minimum, two 8-foot tables are positioned one in front of the other.  The wedding party will sit on BOTH sides of the tables, typically with the bride and groom positioned on the side of the table where they can see their wedding guests.

Family Table - This table is traditionally round and positioned among the guest tables to avoid feeling awkward and away from guests.

King's Table - Consists of square tables, similarly positioned like the "alternative head table" with bridal party members on both sides.  But the bride and groom actually sit at the head of the table like a king and queen holding court.

Sweetheart Table - A square, round or serpentine table that seats only the bride and groom.  This has become the most popular seating arrangement at the reception for the newlyweds.  It allows the bridal party members to be seated with their invited guest.

Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit - Ven Sherrod Photography, Adrian Burrows Photography, and the personal camera of Dejanae Events)

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