Monday, September 10, 2012

The Little Mr. and Miss of the Ceremony

Although some couples are steering away from having a ring bearer and flower girl, you will still see the tradition at most wedding ceremonies.  But what has evolved is the idea of the flower girl carrying only a basket of petals and the ring bearer carrying an ivory or white pillow.  Take a look at the adorable little one's below for some alternative ideas as they make their way down the wedding aisle.

Have the little ladies carry pomanders instead of tossing petals

Whimsical way to present the wedding rings...attached by a golf tee :)

Instead of a pillow, have the boys carry a sign right before the grand entrance
How cute is it when the flower girl (bouquet in tow) and ring bearer walk together!
This idea works exceptionally well with smaller children.

Instead of having flower girls walk before the bride, have the little ladies
walk down the aisle in front of the newlyweds during the recessional

 Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit -  ring bearer sign; vase w/ golf ball; flower girls sign; pomanders; flower girl & ring bearer)

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