Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sequencing The Wedding Ceremony

When planning out your traditional Christian wedding ceremony, as with most things, there is a particular order you should consider.  Check out our order below for the basics of this style wedding ceremony.

Prelude or Seating of Guests. 
This is the time when some soft/light music should be played while guests are entering the ceremony venue.  Have ushers available to seat your guests and hostesses passing out wedding programs.
Seating of Parents and/or Immediate Family Members. 
This movement starts the wedding ceremony and the Mother of the Bride is the last of the family to be seated in the first row on the left side.
Groom and Officiant Enter. 
The Officiant, Groom and Best Man will enter from the right side to take their position at the altar.
Wedding Processional. 
The order of this processional will be - bridesmaids & groomsmen; maid and/or matron of honor; ring bearer; usher to pull the aisle runner; and last will be the flower girl.
Bridal Processional. 
The grand entrance of the bride and her father or escort.
Exchange of Vows.
"Do you take this "person" to be your lawful..."
Exchange of Rings. 
The time in which to slip the bling on your fingers!
"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride!!!"
The bride and groom depart first, then everyone else will follow.

Of course you want to make the ceremony unique to both the bride, groom and their families.  Add readings, poems and songs that are meaningful to you as a couple.

Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit - Fender and Donisch)

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