Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's National Donut Day!

It's National Donut Day...well tomorrow, June 1st actually is the day to celebrate, but I decided to make the announcement today since Friday's blogs are held for Pin It Pics.  So in celebration of one of my favorite treats...check out some ways to incorporate the donut into your wedding or event. Enjoy :)

It doesn't get any better than a cupcake + a donut!!!
Add a dessert bar of...DONUTS!

Instead of just hot chocolate, add a mini donut as a treat!

Add the end of the night, bless your guests with donuts or bagels
and a serving of coffee!
For the donut loving couple, instead of wedding cake...donut cake!
Add a stick to it and create a donut pop!

Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit: cupcakes -; bar -;  hot chocolate -; favor -; cake -; donut holes -

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