Monday, April 9, 2012

It's A Wedding Emergency!

When you hire a wedding coordinator, such as my company, to service your wedding day, they should come equipped with an emergency kit that could rebuild a city if necessary!  But as a bride, you should also think of some particular items she should have a in a cute tote bag, old school lunch box or large make-up bag. (excerpts from WEDology  Notebook: For The Budget-Chic Bride)
  • Make-up, especially lip gloss, press powder and mascara
  • Hand lotion
  • Band aids
  • Dental floss, tooth brush and a small tube of tooth paste
  • Perfume
  • Needle and thread, safety pins
  • Comb, brush and hair pins
  • Tampons and/or panty liners
  • Clear deodorant
  • Eye drops and contact solution, if applicable
  • Stain remover wipes
  • Tissue
  • Aspirin
  • List of all bridal party members and vendors contact numbers

And why not be a thoughtful bride-to-be and prepare your husband-to-be a little kit with some of the, if not all of the items listed below:
  • Deodorant
  • Lint brush
  • Extra pair of socks
  • Breath mints
  • Comb and brush, hair products
  • Razor and a small shaving cream

Planning ahead and creating an emergency kit could save you from the smallest mishap growing into something out of control.

Until next time...WEDologize!

(photo credit:

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